Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

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The blog for Christine & Rob's gourmet breakfast products, family adventures, and more. A family tradition for more than a century.

October 29th is National Oatmeal Day!

Chris Bartell - Saturday, October 29, 2016

Not only do we believe it's a great way to start any day, but here are 7 fun facts you may not have known about oatmeal. ..


Sugar and Spice but Healthy is Nice

Vince Hendricks - Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It's that time of year where we indulge in sugary, buttery and "gingerbready" goodies. Recipe's from grandma and mom are at the top of our Christmas list, but how about starting the day with something that says " 'tis the season," but also kickstarts your day in a healthier way? ..


Celebrating Mom’s and Dad’s Everywhere!!

Vince Hendricks - Thursday, April 30, 2015

For almost 30 years Christine and Rob’s has grown our family business with the wonderful support of loyal customers throughout the United States and Canada.  ..


Happy Easter from the Oatmeal Ranch!

Vince Hendricks - Saturday, April 04, 2015

It's time once again for the annual Great Easter Egg Hunt at the Oatmeal Ranch and not much has changed since 1952. (No bunny, just money when you have pre-teen grandsons!)  ..


Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours

Vince Hendricks - Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours! We came across these classic pictures of Rob ("Robbie") and the family celebrating Christmas in the 1950s in Pullman, Washington. You are going to love them! ..


In Memoriam: Ed Larson, Christine's Father

Vince Hendricks - Tuesday, September 23, 2014

We are sad to inform you that Christine's father, Ed Larson has passed away.   ..


It's a Mighty Musical Summer

Vince Hendricks - Thursday, June 19, 2014

Well, we are some mighty proud grandparents! It appears that our eldest son's family is taking aim at becoming the next Von Trapps!   ..


Holiday Memories and Traditions 2013

Vince Hendricks - Saturday, December 07, 2013

'Tis the season to share some family memories. Here are a few from our family to yours. Enjoy! ..


Back to School Brain Power

Vince Hendricks - Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Our dear oatmeal fan, Sunny Ovesen, sent us this great pic of her preparing for her next year at Oregon State University.  She is a Chemical Engineering major and says she's "been an oatmeal addict ever since I could chew."   ..


Bold statements on obesity from Gary Player

Vince Hendricks - Saturday, July 13, 2013

As we strive to encourage healthier lifestyles with our Healthy, Helpful & Happy Gift Pack, we wanted to share this interview with 77-year old golf champion Gary Player and his take on our obesity epidemic.  ..


Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

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All-Natural & Toasted to Perfection

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For more than two decades, Christine & Rob's oatmeal has been a part of breakfasts around the world.

It's slow-toasted like a gourmet coffee bean to bring about it's hearty, nutty, rich flavor.

Try it and you'll understand why our customers have been loyal "oatmealaholics" for years on end.